My name is Nutsinee Kijbunchoo. I’m currently a postdoc at University of Adelaide. I study absorptions in different materials including PPKTP crystals used in LIGO squeezers. In my spare time I game, drink, and draw things.
When I started drawing for The Daily Reveille (LSU Newspaper) during the summer of 2011, I was asked to come up with a “hammer”. I chose Antimatter simply because it was easy to memorize, astrophysics related, and pretty much describes my comics in one word (I hated the world then). I quit drawing for the newspaper a semester later but the name stuck.
If you would like to use my comics on presentations or for any non-profit purposes go ahead and do it (with proper credits given to me). Shoot me an email where and how you’ll be using it would be nice, but not required if you don’t feel like it. Any use for profit please email me at n.kijbunchoo@gmail.com.